What Yoga Means to Me
What Yoga means to me I have been practicing yoga on and off for 20 years The last 4 years I have really gotten into it, along with Meditation, I practice Dailey 4 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, to me it was a death sentence. I had never been so scared in my life. Thoughts of Suicide entered my mind. I even went as far as looking up the easiest way to put me out of my misery. After all I had been through in life, now cancer!!! What did I do in life that was so bad to deserve this?? I literally did not want to go on…. I was in a state of deep depression. In desperation to help myself, I went on to the computer and searched Meetup Wellness Groups. Gather Movement and Wellness in La Quinta had a Sunday Morning class called Sacred Sundays with Paul. Sounded interesting so I signed up. On that Sunday in late March I drove into the parking lot. Through the front door and up the steps, into a welcoming space. I took of...