What Yoga Means to Me

 What Yoga means to me 

I have been practicing yoga on and off for 20 years 

The last 4 years I have really gotten into it, along with Meditation, I practice Dailey 

4 years ago I was diagnosed  with breast cancer, to me it was a death sentence. I had never been so scared in my life. Thoughts of  Suicide entered my mind. I even went as far as looking up the easiest way to put me out of my misery. After all I had been through in life, now cancer!!! 

What did I do in life that was so bad to deserve this?? I literally did not want to go on…. I was in a state of deep depression. In desperation to help myself, I went on to the computer and searched Meetup Wellness Groups. Gather Movement and Wellness in La Quinta had a Sunday Morning class called  Sacred Sundays with Paul. Sounded interesting so I signed up. 

On that Sunday in late March I drove into the parking lot. Through  the front door and up the steps, into a welcoming space. I took off my shoes, unrolled my yoga mat. Paul gave us all cards with a saying on it. I still have my card “ Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again”  Alex Tan This hit home and was a sign for me to carry on. We started with our practice by saying OM, we talked about what the card we got meant. Did a spiritual yoga practice followed by a Meditation. That was the start of my journey.

 I then signed up for Paul’s sun solutions practice, and went to his Sacred Sunday Practice every Sunday, till I was no longer able due to Radiation. 

A month or so after Radiation- I started up again. I not only signed up for Paul's Practice, but Jen and Cassidy practices too.  Each Practice was different, I was going daily to the studio, sometimes doing two Yoga Practices. Yoga and the Studio gave me a purpose, gave me hope to carry on. Got me through the most difficult time of my life. 

Then Covid hit - I was devastated - how was I going to survive without going to the studio dailey? I was elated when Jen came up with Zoom and Demand Yoga Practices. I also found out Cassidy and Paul shared their Practices on Youtube. During Lock down - again yoga and meditation gave me hope, gave me a purpose to get up each morning and carry on.

During Covid the team started doing Yoga Practices in the park - 6 feet away from each other. I enjoyed it so . I loved the feeling of connecting with nature. The feel of the grass under my feet, the cool air, and looking up at the palm trees. I was in heaven!!! Again due to Covid - my Dr said I should not go to practice, even being outside. So I started doing my yoga Practices daily on my back lawn. 

With the Summer heat I rolled out my Mat and practiced daily each morning, in my AC home. 

The Studio opened back up a year or so ago. I still enjoy marching up the steps to the studio. Its a place I have met like minded people. Its my Happy Place.

Very Recently my Dad passed away. He had been on a decline the past year. Through the heart ache and sorrow. I have yoga and meditation to help me thru it all. Rolling out that mat - may it be at the Studio, Home, the beach, or a grassy meadow, I always feel better after doing yoga  

I started slow and have come a long way !!!

Yoga - helps me stay at Peace and Ease 

Yoga - helps me stay Focused 

Yoga is a way of Life for me. 


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